Name   NGC/IC Notes
30 Doradus NGC 2070   Tarantula Nebula in LMC
47 Tucanae NGC 104    
Andromeda Galaxy NGC 224 M31  
Antennae Galaxies NGC 4038-9 IC 4895   also Ring Tail Galaxies, VV 245
Barnard's Galaxy NGC 6822    
Barnard's Loop     05:35 -03: Sharpless 2-276, H V.35 ?
Black Eye Galaxy NGC 4826 M64 also "Sleeping Beauty Galaxy"
Black Hole     18:15.5 -18:11 Barnard 92 dark nebula
Bode's Galaxies (Nebulae) NGC 3031/4 M81/M82  
Bode's Galaxy, Bode's Nebula NGC 3031 M81  
Box NGC 4169/73-5    
Bubble Nebula NGC 7635    
Bug Nebula NGC 6302    
Butterfly Cluster NGC 6405 M6  
Butterfly Cluster NGC 2447 M93  
Butterfly Nebula   M2-9 bipolar nebula
California Nebula NGC 1499    
Cat Eye Nebula NGC 6543    
Centaurus A NGC 5128   Arp 153
Cetus A NGC 1068 M77  
Christmas Tree Cluster NGC 2264   associated with the Cone Nebula
Cigar Galaxy NGC 3034 M82  
Cirrus Nebula NGC 6960,92,95   Cygnus SNR, Cygnus Loop, Veil Nebula
Clown (Clown Face) Nebula NGC 2392   also Eskimo Nebula
Cocoon Nebula IC 5146    
Cone (Conus) Nebula NGC 2264   associated with the Christmas Tree Cluster
Cooling Tower NGC 6913 M29  
Crab Nebula NGC 1952 M1  
Crab Pulsar     5:34.5 +22:01 CM Tau, NP0532, central star of the Crab Nebula M1
Cygnus Loop NGC 6960,92,95   Cygnus SNR, Veil Nebula, Cirrus Nebula
Diablo Nebula NGC 6853 M27 also the Dumbbell Nebula
Double Cluster NGC 869/84   h+Chi Perse
Dragon Nebula NGC 5623 M8 Part of the Lagoon Nebula
Duck Nebula NGC 2359    
Dumbbell Nebula NGC 6853 M27 also Diablo Nebula, Double-Head Shot, Apple Core Nebula
Dumbbell Nebula, Little NGC 650-1 M76 also Cork, Butterfly, or Barbell Nebula; Apple Core Nebula 
Eagle Nebula IC 4703 M16 also Star Queen Nebula; associated with cluster M16=NGC 6611
Eagle Nebula IC 2177   also Seagull Nebula
Egg Nebula     21:02.3 +36:42 CRL 2688, AFGL 2688, PK 80-6.1 planetary nebula; also Cygnus Egg
Einstein Cross     22:39.6 +03:21 G 2237+0305 gravitational lens
Eskimo Nebula NGC 2392   also Clown Nebula
Eta Carinae Nebula NGC 3372    
Filamentary Nebula NGC 6960   part of Veil Nebula
Flame Nebula NGC 2024   also Orion B
Flaming Star Nebula IC 405    
Gamma Cassiopeiae Nebula IC 59,63   00:58.1 +60:56 Sh2-185
Gamma Cygni Nebula IC 1318   20:28.5 +39:57 Sh2-108?
Gulf of Mexico NGC 7000   dark nebula in NGC 7000, the North America Nebula
Gum Nebula     8:30 -45 ;Gum 12. Also Vela SNR, 20x12 deg extended. Contains Vela PSR 0833-45
Hamburger Galaxy NGC 5128   also Centaurus A
Helix Galaxy NGC 2685    
Helix Nebula NGC 7293    
Hercules Globular Cluster NGC 6205 M13  
Horsehead Nebula     05:40.9 -02:28 Barnard 33, in front of IC 434
Horseshoe Nebula NGC 6618 M17 also Omega, Swan, Lobster, or Checkmark Nebula
Hourglass Nebula NGC 6523 M8 brightest part of the Lagoon Nebula
Hubble's Variable Nebula NGC 2261    
Hyades     04:27 +16 : Melotte 25
Ink Spot     Barnard 86 dark nebula
Integral Sign Galaxy     07:11.4 +71:50 UGC 3697
Jewel Box NGC 4755   also Kappa Crucis
Kemble's Cascade NGC 1502    
Kepler's supernova/SNR     17:30.6 -21:29 3C 358, SN Oph 1604
Keyhole Nebula NGC 3372   Dark Nebula in the Eta Carinae Nebula
Lagoon Nebula NGC 6523 M8 contains the Hourglass Nebula
Large Magellanic Cloud, LMC     05:23.6 -69:45 "Nubecula Major"; in Local Group
Leo Triplet NGC 3623/7/8 M65/M66  
Little Dumbbell Nebula NGC 650-1 M76 also Cork, Butterfly, or Barbell Nebula; Apple Core Nebula 
Lobster Nebula NGC 6618 M17 also Omega, Swan, Horseshoe, or Checkmark Nebula
Maia Nebula NGC 1432 M45 in the Pleiades
Markarian's Chain NGC 4374-4501 M84/M86/M88 + several fainter galaxies in Virgo Cluster
Merope Nebula NGC 1435 M45 in the Pleiades; also Tempel's Nebula
Milky Way Patch NGC 6603 M24 also "Delle Caustiche", also Sagittarius Star Cloud
Network Nebula NGC 6992/5   part of Veil nebula
North America Nebula NGC 7000    
North Orion Bubble      05:35 +10: ; Sharpless 2-264, also Lambda Orionis Nebula
Omega Centauri  NGC 5139    
Omega Nebula NGC 6618 M17 also Swan, Horseshoe, Lobster, or Checkmark Nebula
Orion A NGC 1976 M42 Orion Nebula, 3C145
Orion B NGC 2024   also Flame Nebula, IC434
Orion Nebula NGC 1976 M42 de Mairan's Nebula M43 is a part of it
Owl Nebula NGC 3587 M97  
Pinwheel Cluster NGC 1960 M36  
Pinwheel Galaxy NGC 5457 M101  
Pin-wheel nebula NGC 4254 M99  
Pleiades   M45 also Subaru or the Seven Sisters
Praesepe NGC 2632 M44 also Beehive Cluster
Ptolemy's Cluster NGC 6475 M7  
Puppis A     08:24.1 -43:00 SNR, radio source
Question Mark NGC 5194 M51 also Whirlpool Galaxy
Rho Ophiuchi Complex IC 4603-4   + dark nebulae; interstellar cloud
Ring Nebula NGC 6720 M57 in Lyra
Rosette Nebula NGC 2237-9/46    
Sagittarius Star Cloud NGC 6603 M24 also "Delle Caustiche", Milky Way Patch
Salt-and-Pepper Clusters   M11,M37,M52  
Saturn Nebula NGC 7009    
Seagull Nebula IC 2177   also Eagle Nebula
Seven Sisters   M45 also Subaru, the Pleiades
Siamese Twins NGC 4567-8   in Virgo Cluster, VV 219
Sleeping Beauty Galaxy NGC 4826 M64 also the Blackeye Galaxy
Small Magellanic Cloud,SMC NGC 292   00:52.7 -72:50 "Nubecula Minor"; in Local Group
Smoking Gun NGC 4486 M87 the active center of M87
Snake Nebula     17:23.5 -23:38 Barnard 72 dark nebula; also S Nebula
Sombrero Galaxy NGC 4594 M104  
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy NGC 5236 M83  
Spiral Cluster NGC 1039 M34  
Star Queen Nebula IC 4703 M16 also Eagle Nebula, associated with the star cluster M16=NGC 6611
Starfish Cluster NGC 1922 M38  
Subaru   M45 also the Pleiades, Seven Sisters
Sunflower galaxy NGC 5055 M63  
Swan Nebula NGC 6618 M17 also Omega, Horseshoe, Lobster, or Checkmark Nebula
Tarantula Nebula NGC 2070   Also 30 Doradus
Taurus A NGC 1952 M1 Crab Nebula
Tempel's Nebula NGC 1435 M45 Near Merope Nebula in the Pleiades
Trapezium Cluster NGC 1976 M42 Cluster of young stars in the Orion Nebula, the four components of theta1 Ori
Triangulum Galaxy NGC 598 M33 also Pinwheel, Triangulum Pinwhee
Triangulum Pinwheel Galaxy NGC 598 M33 also Triangulum Galaxy
Trifid Nebula NGC 6514 M20  
Veil Nebula NGC 6960,92,95   Cygnus SNR, Cygnus Loop, Cirrus Nebula, Network nebula
Virgo A NGC 4486 M87 Active center: "The Smoking Gun", in Virgo Cluster
Virgo Cluster Pinwheel Gal. NGC 4254 M99  
Whirlpool Galaxy NGC 5194,5 M51 also "Question Mark"
Wild Duck Cluster NGC 6705 M11  
Wild's Triplett     11:46.8 -03:49 Arp 248, MCG-01-30-032..4
Witch Head Nebula IC 2118    
X-mas Tree Cluster NGC 2264    

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